Cosmetology Continuing Education Classes

Why Continue Your Cosmetology Education

Continuing your cosmetology education is imperative to staying on top of industry trends, updating your skills and keeping your cosmetology license current. Most states require a minimum number of beauty continuing education hours to be able to renew your license. Choosing one of the many schools that offer continuing ed classes to stay current is the first step! Continuing cosmetology education is a huge factor in keeping your clientele current and happy, as well as being able to stay competitive in a booming beauty industry. Many continuing ed courses can be taken online, but many beauty professionals choose hands-on experience from a reputable cosmetology school. Find cosmetology continuing education near you to get started on continuing your beauty education.

How Can Help Further Your Beauty Career

If you are pursuing continuing education hours to help keep your license active in your state, can help you find the resources you need. By using, you can connect with several schools in your area without the inconvenience and confusion of visiting multiple sites. We also offer great resources that students and professionals find useful throughout their careers. Once you find the schools in your area that offer beauty CEUs, request information from the programs that interest you. Make sure you choose one that fits your current work schedule and aligns with your personal goals.

What You Learn in Cosmetology Continuing Education

Find Cosmetology Continuing Education, Beauty Continuing Ed OnlineYou may do your CEU classes through in-class lectures, online courses, and/or hands-on training in a school's salon. Sometimes CEUs are also hosted by major product companies, accrediting bodies, state boards of cosmetology or at conferences, seminars and workshops.  Continuing education courses keep you well-versed in beauty services such as hair, nails, makeup and skin care – but the programs and requirements vary from school to school or state to state. Even if your state does not require CEUs to renew your license, it is highly recommended that every beauty professional take these courses at least annually. Some continuing education classes may involve updating salon safety and sanitation procedures. Others may train you on the newest hairstyles or nail technology techniques. (Look up your your state's cosmetology license renewal requirements for the minimum requirements you must meet to keep your license active.) To ensure you are getting the beauty education that matches your needs, request more information from the beauty schools and ask them about their continuing education programs before enrolling. To find out more about what you will learn in beauty school continuing education, check out the continuing cosmetology beauty training guide.

Continuing Education and Your Cosmetology Job

There are tons of different cosmetology jobs and career paths out there at the more than 300,000 U.S. beauty salons, not to mention a ton of other career paths a beautician could take that aren't in salon settings. These salons and other beauty businesses expect their cosmetologists and related beauty professionals to be at the top of their games, and continuing education classes are necessary to ensure this. They expect their employees to be knowledgeable about beauty industry trends, salon safety and sanitation requirements, and be at the ready to offer advice and prescribe beauty regimens to clientele. If you want to be a trusted and respected member of the beauty trade, not to mention keep your cosmetology license renewed and in good standing, you must regularly jump at opportunities to enhance your beauty education with continuing education classes. With so many schools across the nation to help you get a variety of CEUs, there is no reason to be anything less than the best.

Find Cosmetology CEUs 
Near You offers you the ability to search for cosmetology continuing education classes in your area to find a quality cosmetology institution that fits your needs. Upon completing your cosmetology CEUs, you can renew your state cosmetology license and continue working in good standing with your state.