Continuing Education for Cosmetology Careers

cosmetology-continuing-educationCosmetology continuing education is definitely an important part of success in your cosmetology career. Some states actually require a certain amount of continuing cosmetology education hours in order to be able to renew your cosmetology license. Or your employer may request that you keep up with continuing education hours as part of your job responsibilities.

Whether or not you have to take continuing education classes in cosmetology is kind of beside the point, however; you should want to take them because it benefits your long-term career. The beauty industry is constantly changing, constantly evolving to include new trends and techniques. Keeping abreast of all of these developments and continually adding to your skills doesn't just benefit your clients. It also benefits you. It demonstrates to your already-loyal clientele that they can continue coming to you for expert advice, and it shows newer clients that you are on the ball and someone they can trust with their beauty services.

To get continuing education in cosmetology, you have a couple of options. One is attending continuing education cosmetology classes at a beauty school. This is probably the most common choice for cosmetologists looking to add to their skill set. Another option is continuing education with online cosmetology schools. These online cosmetology schools may not be able to fully prepare you to get licensed in the first place, but they are a great option to continue your cosmetology education at a time convenient for you.

Here are the state requirements for those that require continuing education classes in order to renew an individual cosmetologist's license.

StateCEs Required Every 2 Years
Alabama16 hours
Florida16 hours
Georgia5 hours
Illinois14 hours
Iowa8 hours
Kentucky12 hours
Louisiana16 hours
Nebraska8 hours
North Carolina16 hours
Ohio8 hours
South Carolina12 hours
Texas12 hours

If you need more information, please visit our state cosmetology licensing requirements page. offers you the ability to search for cosmetology continuing education schools in your area to find a quality cosmetology institution that fits your needs. Upon completing your cosmetology program, you can obtain your state cosmetology license and begin a rewarding beauty career.

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