Hot Hair Trend: Big is Back
Big hair is back, as evidenced by the trendsetting hairdos of the stars like Beyonce and Cheryl Cole. The backcombing, bumps, and beehive looks have actually given hairspray sales quite a boost. UK publication the Daily Mail reported that hairspray sales hit a record £173 million this year (just under $268 million).
With finances as tight as they are in this economy, women are searching for savvy ways to imitate their favourite fashion idols without breaking the bank. The majority of women simply cannot afford the regular salon visits required to achieve and maintain the look they want. Nearly four out of 10 women colour their hair at home, and among those aged 15 to 24, that number is closer to half. Home perms and DIY dye kit sales have made a 12 percent jump just in the last year. Home perms can enlarge a woman’s hair without shrinking her purse.
Money is not the only motivator, however, among the list of reasons for styling product sales. Many women report feeling more in control over the shades and tones of their hair when the color power rests in their own hands. Other women herald the timesaving benefits of at-home hair care. As DIY methods gain popularity, more and more blogs, videos, and websites are offering tips on how to get great locks on a budget. Many are finding they can follow a YouTube video and walk away with a fantastic do.
No longer gracing only the red carpet, big hair is all the rage everywhere these days. Voluminous, sexy locks are easy to achieve with a bit of teasing and a lot of hairspray. Hairspray alone accounts for 60 percent of hairstyling product purchases, making a dramatic comeback in recent years.
Big hair is not a new phenomenon. The ’60s rocked the beehive and the ’70s saw the afro. The keyword for the ’80s was volume. With plenty of diversity in cuts, styles, and colours, bigger continues to be better.
Bouncy locks full of life and luster sends the message that though the wallet may be suffering, the hair certainly isn’t. For women who want to add some pep to their step without breaking the bank, there is good news. Big hair can be done on a small budget with a high-quality hairspray, root booster, and the right techniques. Backcombing and teasing can really add the volume.
For a night on the town or as the perfect juxtaposition to skinny jeans, big hair can make any woman feel absolutely gorgeous. Big hair exudes sexiness and epitomizes style. For an inexpensive way to look amazing this year, grab a can of hair spray and tease away.

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at .Tags: big hair, hair trends, hairspray, hairstyling, teased hair, teasing