Posts Tagged ‘Mascara’

This is Your Mom’s Mascara

Wednesday, February 11th, 2009

From Marilyn Monroe to Audrey Hepburn and Raquel Welch, what do most vintage beauties have in common? Long, luscious, almost supernatural lashes. If you want to get the look of ladies like these, you’ve got to use a classic product.

So, say goodbye to your modern mascara wand and say hello to a time-tested favorite. Cake mascara has long been the product of choice for professional makeup artists because of its dramatic results.

But, make sure you have a few extra minutes for application. To achieve your desired look, you’ll need a bit of patience and a steady hand. It comes in a powder form and you add water using a small, toothbrush-like applicator.

Cake mascara addicts love it because you can add as many layers as you like and it won’t clump. However, because this product is water-activated, try to steer clear of wearing it at tear-inducing events since it is more likely to run than water-resistant mascaras.

We recommend trying Longcils Boncza. Not only because it was Marilyn Monroe’s brand of choice, its natural formula contains beeswax and rosewater. A couple of the other brands currently available contain thimerosal, which is a mercury-containing preservative – so be careful to read ingredients before you make a purchase!

A quick how to on cake mascara application:

•    Dampen your applicator brush.
•    Rub the moist brush in the cake until it reaches a creamy consistency Hint: a little goes a long way
•    Comb the brush through your lashes using an out and upward motion
•    Use a brush to separate and define lashes
•    Continue adding layers until you’ve reached your desired look. Allow at least 10 seconds between coats.
