Want to learn to look ugly?

It may not sound quite right, but some beauty school students are experiencing an education in ugly-fication. Is there a market for this, you may ask? It turns out, there is!

If you’re a cosmetology student looking to break outside of the standard “pretty” box, you might consider a cosmetology school that offers courses in special-effects and stage makeup. Whether you’re most excited about turning your client into some sort of un-dead creature, a serious head-wound victim, or anything else your imagination can cook up, these courses can help you learn the unique techniques that make your ideas come to life.

In addition to the traditional cosmetology skills such as hair design, nail technology and esthetics, many cosmetology schools offer makeup training for theater and film. It also turns out that these courses aren’t just for the Hollywood types. In schools all over the country – including Tahlequah, Oklahoma – students are exploring the depths of spooky, gruesome, shocking makeup.

As a Master Instructor at Tahlequah’s Beauty Technical College, Heather Crowell says she wants to provide her students with a broader spectrum of cosmetology skills they can put to work in their careers. After all, cosmetology is much more than just doing hair.

Crowell also explains why students in Oklahoma could find this unique education opportunity useful. She says, “We actually have a pretty big film industry in Oklahoma, so there’s a lot of things [students] can do with it. They have to volunteer their time right now, but that just builds up their experience so when they get out, they can make a lot of money doing this.”

Many of the students at Beauty Technical College remember being surprised when they first realized they would be learning the science behind realistic-looking slashed necks, pencils through the head, or dramatic injuries to several different extremities. But what do these students have to say now?

Sarah Cookson, a student at the school, says, “I really, really enjoy [the class]. I could do gross makeup all day!”

So, where does the road lead for gurus of grotesque makeup? Crowell sees great potential for many of her students. “I would love to see them end up in California or New York doing this professionally,” she says.

Think your active imagination and flair for dramatics could work for your career? Check out some schools with cosmetology or makeup programs that interest you.

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