NVEY ECO – Organic Eye Shadow
I was blessed with sensitive skin, particularly in the eye area. This wouldn’t be so much of an issue if I didn’t love to wear eye makeup! Ever since I was twelve and my aunt took me to the makeup counter at the department store to get my first makeover, I was hooked on eye makeup in particular.
Unfortunately, I started having reactions to eye shadows and creams during my teenage years. My eyelids would get red, puffy, and itchy, and after a few days, the skin would even start to flake off. I always chalked it up to cheap makeup or not properly cleansing my face and eye area before bedtime. But after years of trying both high and low-end brands and various cleansing techniques, I still had reactions!
It wasn’t until I went to my local Sephora store and had them try two different eye-shadow bases on my eyes that I discovered the cause of my eye makeup troubles. After wearing both bases for a couple hours, one eyelid started to get itchy and red. I immediately looked up the ingredients list on each product label, and I found one glaring difference: the itchy eyeshadow base contained a pigment called ultramarines.
Eureka! Of course this is my problem because most of the eye colors I wear are either greens, blues, or purples, which would all contain a blue pigment. So I began the quest for ultramarine-less eye shadow. It was horribly unsuccessful as pretty much ALL shadows use ultramarines for cool-hued shades.
Finally, I discovered NVEY ECO Organic Eye Shadow in Indigo Gunmetal shade, which is a lovely, medium blue-gray shimmer. I attempted it for the first time last weekend, with ZERO reaction except from others saying “I love your eye-makeup tonight!” So I continued on and have worn it every day this week, with the same success. I would highly recommend this as a healthy option for people with sensitive skin, as well as for people who just want another way to “greenify” their makeup bag. They have tons of nice shades that you can bet I’ll be adding to my collection in the near future!

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