Emergency Beauty Situation? Hit Up the Vending Machine!
Today, we get everything fast. Fast food, high-speed internet connections and so much more – it’s all available when and where we need it.
Now, we can say the same for the beauty products we don’t want to leave home without. Right next to the vending machine where you’re purchasing that mid-afternoon chocolate fix, you can find a new kind of vending machine. Beauty vending machines!
In Japan, vending machines selling all kinds of unorthodox (to us, anyway) items are more common. Need a new iPod? There’s probably a vending machine for that.
But the new trend stateside is every beauty lover’s dream come true! The Body Shop, Sephora and Elizabeth Arden are just a few of the product lines embracing this idea. Are you ready to see one of these babies near you? It could happen in the near future in places like airports, shopping centers and supermarket chains. In fact, in cities like San Francisco, Las Vegas, Nashville, and more, the beauty vending machines have already arrived!
What do you guys think about this concept? I know I’m on board with vending machines that sell everything I could possibly want. Including emergency lip gloss!

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at .Tags: beauty