Write Off Wrinkles
The pen is mightier than sword – well in this case, knife! I found a great product that is a cosmetic pen that erases the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Sephora.com offers Cosmedicine Instant Wrinkle Write Off Pen and it is supposed to fill in your wrinkles with the ease of a stroke.
The pen is designed to temporarily eliminate fine lines and wrinkles and tightens and lifts the skin while absorbing oil and minimizing pores. After reading some reviews, it sounds like it might work, and be a cheaper, safer alternative to Botox or cosmetic surgery.
This product is light weight and can be worn under make-up and fetches the price of $25. BeautySchool.com would like to know your thoughts and opinions on this.

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at .Tags: cosmetic, skin care, Wrinkles