One ingredient product
I came across a very interesting blog post the other day and have been transfixed about it since. The post was about single ingredient products and in particularly about an oil cleanser and moisturizer. The product is Jojoba Oil Cleansing & Moisturizing and I found it on Jack and Jill blog . Jojoba only contains oil and is used to clean and moisturize, well, any part of the body. You don’t just have to use for your face – plus, this product can be found in a number of health food stores and is very inexpensive.
So, I thought since I have sensitive skin and it tends to be on the dry side that I would try this product out. I am always changing facial cleansers and moisturizers because they tend to work in the beginning then fizzle out.
This product works wonders on my face! I have to say that I love it, but only time will tell if it will be a long-term product. I can tell you how this amazing treatment works: first you apply liberal amounts to your face while slowly massaging your face. Then, apply a hot wash cloth to the face and let it cool. After that, just wipe with cloth and you have skin that doesn’t feel oily.
I will give a report about how the product is going in a couple of weeks. I want to make sure that simple oil product might replace all of the high-end, expensive beauty products that I use.

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at .Tags: beauty, cleansers, face products, moisturizer, Sensitive skin