License to massage feet
A wave of new trends in the beauty industry has stepped up in the U.S. – one in particular is gaining recognition: foot massage. Not only are people willing to shell out $15-$30 for a foot rub, but The Board of Barbering and Cosmetology in California has also recognized a need for regulation. In a recent article about regulating foot massage parlors, some business owners are feeling the pinch from the Board.
These businesses are being subjected to closings and fines when their employees can not produce proper certificates. Since foot massage is still new to the U.S., state officials feel that foot massage falls under the regulation of the Board of Barbering and Cosmetology. And, beauty schools do not teach the very narrow field of foot massage.
To become licensed, employees would have to take classes that would also involve nails and hair care . Since the employees are only dealing with feet, many business owners think that there should be no regulation until the proper laws are set in place. wants to know … what’s your opinion? Is the board warranted in pushing for more regulation of foot massage parlors?

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at .Tags: beauty, feet, foot massage, license, massage