Bonjour face!

We at appreciate skin care products that are eco-friendly and cheap! I have found a great way to have a luxury facial from the comforts of your own home. When I was reading one of my favorite beauty blogs, I came across a post about French green clay and how beneficial it was to all types of skin tones. The clay acts as a great an absorbent for oily skin tones and helps with acne-prone skin types as well.

You can make your own facial right at home and know that what you are putting on your face doesn’t contain any harsh chemicals or preservatives. That can only help the minds of your eco chicks who want to have a green alternative to facial masks.

Here is what you need:

•    1 tbsp French Green Clay
•    1/2 tbsp grapefruit juice (or carrot juice, if you have dry patches)

•    1 tsp honey
•    Drop of your favorite essential oil (optional)


Mix the clay with the grapefruit juice and then add the honey and the essential oil, if using. Smooth the mixture onto your face and leave it on for about 15 minutes or until it dries completely. Gently remove it with a warm wet washcloth.

This facial mask is so gentle; you can use it twice a week. French green clay can be found at health food stores.

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