Five Inexpensive Hollywood Beauty Tricks
…..aka Hollywood glamour for a drugstore price tag!
Our favorite celebrities always seem so put together—perfect hair and glowing, flawless complexions. We’d all like to replicate their look but most of us aren’t willing to shell out the big bucks that they do to look that good. How can you be red-carpet worthy without spending a fortune on spa treatments and blowouts at the salon? We’ve picked out a few celebrity make-up artist tips that won’t break the bank. In fact, these items can all be purchased at your local drugstore. No need for a shopping trip to Rodeo Drive!
Here are Our Five Inexpensive Hollywood Beauty Tricks:
Inexpensive Hollywood Beauty Trick #1: Primer – Okay, some stars really are born with perfect skin. But most of them have a little secret called skin primer. Most skin primers are silicone-based and act as a thin layer that fills in fine lines, large pores and acne scars. The result? A smooth, flawless complexion! Give skin primer a try and you’ll understand why Hollywood make-up artists call it the under-make-up make-up.
Inexpensive Hollywood Beauty Trick #2: Skin Illuminator - Where do all the stars get their glow? Skin illuminators! Most skin illuminators are pearlized shimmer creams that you put under your foundation or mix with your foundation for a fresh, glowing complexion. Celebrity make-up artists warn that skin illuminators should not be confused with shimmery powder, which can end up looking like a sparkle-overdose.
Inexpensive Hollywood Beauty Trick #3: Fast Lash by Tweezerman - Medication to make your eyelashes grow? Expensive. Fake eyelashes? Messy and inconvenient. The trick to get quick Hollywood lashes? A secret to the stars—Fast Lash by Tweezerman. In fact, it’s one of the most requested products for celebrity photo shoots and special events. You first coat your lashes with regular mascara, then use Fast Lash which looks like a normal mascara tube but really contains dry white flakes. These pieces of harmless polyester fiber act as a lash builder when you add another coat of regular mascara. You’ll end up with thick, luscious lashes!
Inexpensive Hollywood Beauty Trick #4: Blue, yellow or orange concealer - You may not believe us, but putting these colors of concealer under your eyes will actually make them look better– trust us! Blue-based concealer helps reflect light and makes eyes look brighter. For even darker under-eye circles use yellow or orange concealer which will neutralize the darkness beneath the eyes.
Inexpensive Hollywood Beauty Trick #5: Shampoo with dimethicone copolyol – Ya, we can’t pronounce it either. What we do know though is that shampoo that contains this ingredient has a little extra “oomph!” Next time you need to purchase shampoo, make sure it has this volume booster in it.
There you have it. Now take our inexpensive Hollywood beauty tricks and make yourself GLAM!
Check out our follow-up piece on the Hollywood-worthy beauty products you never knew you had right in your own home!

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at .Tags: Blue Concealer, celebrity glamour, celebrity makeup, inexpensive Hollywood beauty trick, inexpensive Hollywood beauty tricks, Orange Concealer, skin illuminator, Tweezerman, Yellow Concealer
January 11th, 2012 at 2:36 pm
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