Makeup Artistry Programs in Wisconsin

Wisconsin Beauty and Cosmetology Schools can help you choose the right program for your goals in the beauty industry. We help students across the nation contact schools to compare programs before making the important decision to enroll. Use our school listings below to contact schools in your area today!

WI Makeup Artist Training & License Requirements

Find your makeup style by attending one of the makeup artistry programs in Wisconsin. In training, you get to practice and refine your skills on real clients, and learn from industry leaders. You will learn classic and contemporary makeup artistry techniques attending a beauty professional program. You do not have to possess a makeup artist license to apply cosmetics in Wisconsin. However, clients and employers prefer to work with licensed estheticians or cosmetologists who have specialized in makeup application. Licenses show you have learned the fundamentals as well as advanced techniques and the newest styles in makeup artistry.

The Wisconsin Cosmetology Examining Board requires cosmetologists to attend 1800 hours of beauty school or to complete 4000 hours as an apprentice. To become an esthetician, you will attend 450 hours at beauty school. Following school or your apprenticeship, you take written and practical Board exams before receiving your Wisconsin makeup artistry license. In makeup artistry programs in Wisconsin, you learn the fundamentals of makeup, advanced techniques, bridal and special occasion makeup application. You also learn about doing makeup for editorial and runway productions, theater, photo shoots, and even airbrush makeup.

Career Outlook for Professional Makeup Artists in Wisconsin

The US Bureau of Labor Statistics reports Wisconsin is a great place to work as a makeup artist. The state has the fifth highest concentration of beauty professional jobs in the nation, according to the BLS. Sheboygan has the sixth highest concentration of all the cities in the US, and the average annual salary for beauty workers there is $25,460 before tips. Fon du Lac has the 10th highest level of jobs. Furthermore, the eastern Wisconsin region ranks second in employment for makeup artists and the west-central region ranks fourth in this category among all non-metropolitan areas. That equals many jobs for makeup artists and beauty professionals throughout the state, where the annual average salary for beauty workers is $24,660.

Most makeup artists supplement their income working as freelancers doing bridal and special occasion makeup, fashion shows, local theater, and working with advertising and photography companies. With a degree and license in makeup artistry in Wisconsin, you could have a career as a TV or movie makeup artist, beauty advisor, cosmetics representative or developer, or as a platform artist and designer. The opportunities are limited only by your skill and dedication to your art. Start your career with a makeup artistry program in Wisconsin.

Take the next step toward a career as a makeup artist. Review our list of featured programs below to contact schools in your area today!


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