Makeup Artistry Programs in Missouri

Missouri Beauty and Cosmetology Schools wants to help you achieve your goal of becoming a professional makeup artist. With us, you can learn about the licensing requirements and what you can expect while training. And you can use our school listings below to contact schools in your area today!

MO Makeup Artist Training & License Requirements

There are many quality makeup artistry programs in Missouri, from St. Louis to Kansas City. Missouri does not require licenses for makeup artists except in salons or for artists applying permanent makeup. However, most successful makeup artists in Missouri are licensed cosmetologists or estheticians. The Missouri Board of Cosmetology and Barber Examiners allows students to be licensed through either classroom education or apprenticeships.

Cosmetologists take 1500 hours in a classroom or 3000 hours apprenticing to attain their license. Estheticians complete 750 hours of classroom training, or 1500 hours as apprentices. After training time is completed, students must pass written and practical exams before the Board to be licensed.

Your Missouri beauty professional license is your passport to working as a makeup artist in department stores, salons, photo studios, modeling agencies, local TV stations, and more. As you build your professional portfolio and gain a reputation as a talented artist, you might be able to practice your craft with nationally or internationally known celebrities, fashion icons, or magazines.

Career Outlook for Professional Makeup Artists in Missouri

Most makeup artists in Missouri supplement their income by freelancing. They create special looks for prom queens, brides, and anybody seeking to enhance their appearance. They may also work with local theater troupes or help at fashion shows and advertising photo shoots. Makeup artistry programs in Missouri prepare students for success in all these endeavors. Good makeup artists will always seek out continuing education courses, to keep their skills on the cutting edge of fashion. The industry changes constantly and you want to be the trendsetter not the follower.

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reports Missouri beauty professionals earn an annual average salary of $24,370 before tips and freelance income. Makeup artists who enter the national levels of the industry can earn significantly more. Some beauty professionals work the runways at beauty pageants and fashion shows. Some take advanced classes and learn to create special effects or prostheses for movies and theater productions. Whether you want to create intriguing and expressive makeup designs for fellow Missourians or for movie stars in Hollywood, makeup artistry programs in Missouri can help you get off to a great start.

Review our featured schools below and request information to learn more about their programs. We recommend contacting multiple schools to be sure you choose the right one.


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