Barbering Programs in Rhode Island

Rhode Island Beauty and Cosmetology Schools can help you choose the right barbering program to achieve your goal of becoming a barber. We help students across the nation contact schools to compare programs before making the important decision to enroll. Use our school listings below to contact schools in your area today!

RI Barbering Training & License Requirements

The traditional profession of barbering in Rhode Island needs creative people passionate about men's hair care. Barbering programs in Rhode Island teach students to practice the art of barbering to the highest standards. Barber students learn about techniques for men's hair and skin care along with methods for grooming men's beards and mustaches. They learn to give straight razor shaves, facial massages and skin treatments to men. Most Rhode Island barbering programs also teach students about fitting and applying men's hairpieces. Barbershop sanitation and hygiene are stressed in barber education programs, as are ethics and customer service.

Barbering students learn basic business skills to help them in their new careers. Students learn about different hair types and different styling techniques including perms, straighteners and coloring men's hair. Schools strive to prepare students to become fully licensed barbers in Rhode Island. The Rhode Island Board of Cosmetology requires students complete at least 1500 hours of instruction at an accredited barbering programs. Students must also complete at least 840 hours as an apprentice barber, getting on-the-job training from a licensed barber. When these requirements are met, students are allowed to take the written and practical exams administered by the Board. Once the tests are passed, barbers receive their initial license. Barber licenses in Rhode Island must be renewed every two years.

Career Outlook for Professional Barbers in Rhode Island

Rhode Islandcould be an excellent place to begin a career in barbering. The Norwich-New London metropolis is the fifth best paying metropolitan area in the nation, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Barbers there on average earn an annual salary of $32,290 before tips. Barbers in the rest of Rhode Island earn an average of $27,510 per year before tips. Licensed barbers may choose to work at a traditional full-service Rhode Island barbershop, where haircuts, shaves and all other men's grooming services are provided. They might choose to open their own barbershop or work at a full service salon that provides hair care for men and women along with massages and esthetician services. Some barbers choose to become instructors at barber education programs in Rhode Island. Barbers also recommend face and scalp care products and men's grooming products to their clients. Some barbers choose to get licensed in cosmetology as well as barbering so they can provide services to more clients. This hecould help expand their career options, as well as their earning potential.

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