Cosmetology Schools in Louisiana

Cosmetology schools in Louisiana offer many opportunities for successful careers in the personal care industry. They are approved by the state of Louisiana to provide training in areas such as pedicures and manicures, hair coloring, hair design, shampooing, scalp treatment and skin care. In addition, cosmetology schools in Louisiana teach courses in customer service and interpersonal communications in order to help students become successful in their chosen careers.
To be able to practice the personal care profession in the state of Louisiana, you must be 16 years old, have completed the 10th grade, attended and successfully completed a course of study at a state-approved school and pass the licensing exam conducted by the Louisiana State Board of Cosmetology. Beauty schools in Louisiana also provide the required number of training hours: for cosmetology, 1,500 hours are provided; for estheticians, 750 hours are offered; and for manicurists, a total of 500 hours are provided.
In addition, Louisiana recognizes and accepts licensing from all other states--a clear benefit for many who want to work in the state.
The opportunities for good income with a personal care license in Louisiana are good. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the average pay for cosmetologists, hairdressers and hairstylists in Louisiana is $23,140 annually. The average hourly pay rate is $11.13.
And looking into the future, the BLS projects that between 2010 and 2020, more than 200,000 cosmetologists, hairdressers and hairstylists will be added to the nation’s employment rolls.
Cosmetology Schools in Louisiana
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