Permanent Make-Up Schools in Washington

Washington Beauty and Cosmetology Schools

Beauty schools in Washington provide the foundation that professionals use to earn a rewarding salary. Washington is a diverse state and offers urban or rural livng. Seattle is one of the largest metro areas in the country and provides abundant shopping, recreation and cultural activities. A variety of smaller towns are found throughout the state, and many residents enjoy the natural beauty of local parks. The San Juan Islands are found off the coast and are known for their rich biological diversity. Students will have plenty of time to enjoy the great outdoors while they further their earning potential.

Cosmetologists need to spend time studying the basics of hair styling and cutting. Beauty schools in Washington are a good place to start. They offer all of the information that is needed to pass the Washington exam. The state also requires a certain amount of education before professionals are granted their license.

Consumers are protected by the Washington the State Board of Cosmetology. The state has a rigorous licensing program. Cosmetologists will have to spend 1,600 hours in beauty school in order to be considered for a license. Estheticians and nail technologists need 600 hours before they can get their license. The state also requires continuing education classes, and these can be taken at one of the beauty schools in Washington.

Rewarding salaries are just one of the benefits of a Washington cosmetology license. Professionals usually work in a salon or day spa. Hair cutting and styling are two common jobs, and the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) predicts the next decade to experience double digit growth rates. Washington is the third highest paying state for cosmetologists. According to the BLS, professionals will earn an average of $34,160 in the state. This is much higher than the national average of $26,460.

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