Permanent Make-Up Schools in Virginia

Virginia Beauty and Cosmetology Schools

Earning a cosmetology license is one of the benefits that students will get when they attend one of the excellent beauty schools in Virginia. This state is known for its picturesque mountains and ocean beaches. Virginia residents can choose several different locations to attend an accredited school. Northern Virginia is found just outside of Washington, D.C. and offers metropolitan living. Virginia Beach is another of the large cities, and it routinely receives high grades for its livability.

Attending one of the accredited beauty schools in Virginia helps students learn about styling hair in a professional setting. Most schools offer their students practical experience that is crucial for job placement. Students may need a high school diploma or GED in order to gain acceptance to an accredited beauty school. Classes cover a range of areas, and the state requires 1,500 hours of course work for licensure.

The Virginia Board of Cosmetology is in charge of the licensing process for cosmetologists, nail technicians and barbers. Students first need to attend an accredited school and must show proof of their classes. For a cosmetology or barber license, students need to have 1,500 hours of classes. Nail techs need to have 150 hours in order to get their state license. Virginia cosmetologists will also enjoy reciprocity, and many professionals can easily transfer their license to another state.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) keeps track of employment figures, and they expect the need for cosmetologists to grow by nearly 16 percent over the next 10 years. The national average for a professional’s salary is $26,460 per year. Virginia cosmetologists will earn a little more than the national average, and the state’s mean wage is $27,150 per year. Amounts vary according to geographic area, and professionals may earn more in Northern Virginia.

Click here to find the most popular beauty schools in the Charlottesville, VA.

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