Cosmetology Schools in Nebraska

Nebraska Beauty and Cosmetology Schools

If you are considering attending a beauty school in Nebraska, then you will not be disappointed. The Cornhusker State, primarily known for its vast fields of corn, is also home to a variety of top cosmetology and beauty schools. Students who attend cosmetology schools in Nebraska and successfully complete courses of study at these schools have a great chance of finding work in this and rewarding career field.

In order to work in the state as a cosmetologist, students must be licensed by the Nebraska State Board of Cosmetology. No degree is necessary. Achieving this licensing is only possible after 2100 hours of training. Further study is also possible for those students wishing to pursue a degree beyond licensing. The typical degree granted is an associates and usually consists of coursework and training regarding salon management and operation.

After completing a course of study at a beauty school in Nebraska, graduates have good chances at finding employment throughout the state, especially in the bigger cities such as Omaha and Lincoln. According to The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics(BLS), cosmetology is one of the fastest growing professions. On top of that, cosmetologists can make great money with hourly or salaried employment along with tips, which are customary in the industry.

Results: is currently working to update our listings with schools that match your search. You may want to try a new search with a nearby zip code, or you can use the other resources we offer to begin researching your career in beauty.Prospective students and beauty professionals stay tuned to our site for several reasons. We are more than a convenient place to request information from top beauty schools. Here are several ways we help students like you take the next step toward a career in the beauty industry…

Read Beauty Education Articles

Find out what is required of you to enroll in beauty school, and learn more about what to expect when you get started. We cover everything from what your first day of class is like, to the cost of beauty school, to what’s included in your student kit. We talk about age and education requirements to enroll, how to prepare for the state board exams and what accreditation really means. All that and more can be found right here in our Beauty School Information Section

Learn About Cosmetology Careers

It’s never too soon to start thinking about what you’re going to do after you graduate. We talk about how to prep your beauty portfolio throughout school, discuss salaries and job demand, and share job descriptions for the beauty trades such as cosmetologist, esthetician, nail technician, makeup artist and more. Our Beauty Career Resources Section has it all.

Apply for a Scholarship to Pay for school

Apply for a scholarship to attend beauty school to help you pay for school. We award one $2,500 scholarship every 3 months to an aspiring student of the beauty disciplines such as cosmetology, barbering, esthetics, nail tech, makeup, laser hair removal, permanent makeup, cosmetology instructor training and more. The annual deadlines are January 31, April 30, July 31 and October

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Please check back with us soon, as we are often adding in new beauty schools to our lists, and may have one that matches your area in the near future.

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