Cosmetology Schools in Minnesota

Minnesota Beauty and Cosmetology Schools

Minnesota features a varied climate with hot and sometimes humid summers and cold winters. Cosmetology schools in Minnesota not only focus on teaching the basic concepts to students, but also provide instruction of how the changes in climate affect hair, skin, and nails. Students learn a wide variety of cosmetology concepts including hair styling, cutting, and coloring, nail care, manicures, pedicures, and facials, make application, and sanitation regulations. Beauty schools in Minnesota prepare students for cosmetology license requirements and to pursue a career in the cosmetology field.

To obtain a cosmetology license in Minnesota, individuals are required to complete an approved program from any Minnesota cosmetology schools or meet the state guidelines if transferring to the state. After completion of a cosmetology program, individuals must receive a satisfactory score on a licensing examination administered by the Minnesota Board of Cosmetology.

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), as of May 2011, the state of Minnesota employs approximately 9,190 hairdressers, hairstylists, and cosmetologists. The mean annual salary is $27,330 or $13.14 by the hour. The top employing metropolitan area in the state of cosmetology workers is the Minneapolis-St. Paul with about 6,440 holding related positions. Also stated by the BLS, the overall employment growth over the 2010 to 2020 decade is expected to increase about as fast as average at 14 percent.


Cosmetology Schools in Minnesota

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