Teacher Training Schools in South Carolina

South Carolina Beauty and Cosmetology Schools

Beauty schools in South Carolina offer a number of benefits, and they supply the knowledge and credits that are needed for professionals to gain their state license in cosmetology. South Carolina is famous for its Southern hospitality. The state includes vast stretches of oceanfront property, and there are plenty of thriving resort towns that offer an excellent quality of life. South Carolina is also one of the original 13 colonies and is filled with historical houses and quaint villages.

Students will be able to do several things when they attend one of the many accredited beauty schools in South Carolina. During classes, students will gain valuable hands on experience, and they will get to cut and style hair. Courses also offer more information on manicures and pedicures, and many students learn the business end of cosmetology as well. The majority of schools admit students with a high school diploma or GED, and they may require basic math skills.

After matriculation, students will be eligible to get their South Carolina cosmetology license. The South Carolina Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation is in charge of professional licenses across the state. It is their job to protect the public, and they have certain requirements that licensed cosmetologists must meet. In order to earn a state license, students must have completed 1,500 hours at a state-approved school. Continuing education is also required, and local schools can help their students meet this licensing requirement.

South Carolina is one of the best paying states for cosmetologist. Across the nation, professionals earn an average of $26,460, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). However, in South Carolina a professional cosmetologist can expect to earn an average salary of $30,970. The BLS also predicts above average growth in this field. Demand is expected to increase by about 16 percent over the next decade.

Already a licensed cosmetologist and want to help others pursue their dreams of a cosmetology career through teaching? Enroll in teacher training courses at one of our featured cosmetology schools to become a cosmetology school teacher. Click for more information about cosmetology school teacher careers.


Teacher Training Schools in South Carolina

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