Cosmetology Schools in Kentucky

Kentucky Beauty and Cosmetology Schools

Have you ever wanted to be your own boss, set your own hours, or just want to help people look the best that they can? Then you should check into attending one of the top Cosmetology schools in Kentucky.

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics(BLS) ranks the beauty industry as a career that can provide you with a steady income.  In fact the BLS predicts a bright future for the industry: more than 200,000 positions are expected to be added nationwide between 2010 and 2020.

In this day and age beauty consultants not only learn about hair and make up they also learn about nail technology and skin care. If you are considering a starting a new career or a change of careers Kentucky State Cosmetology Board requirements specify that in order to be licensed you must complete 1800 hours in cosmetology, 1000 hours to be an esthetician, and 600 hours in nail technology. Cosmetology schools in Kentucky will help you on your way by instructing you on what you need to know for state board licensing exams. Cosmetology scholarships and Financial Aid are available to those prospective students who qualify. You may contact the school of your choice to find out more information or to see if you qualify. As a cosmetologist you have the opportunity to help yourself and others so start on your career by attending beauty school in Kentucky.


Cosmetology Schools in Kentucky

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