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Popular Beauty Schools in the Denton, Texas

Denton, Texas is a great place to begin your career as a cosmetologist. Denton is famous for its small town vibe thanks to the students of the University of North Texas who call it home for nine months of the year. Denton also has a lively bar and music scene that features up and coming bands throughout the year. If you want a great place to learn and live, then Denton, Texas is it!

There are several top notch beauty schools in Denton, Texas to choose from. You will be able to take your pick of top cosmetology programs that will teach you everything you need to know for your new career in the beauty industry. Thanks to Denton's location near Dallas, you will be able to get an when urban feel when you want it. Dallas is also home to a growing movie and fashion industry that may be looking for new hair stylists. Before you pick your school, you will want to make sure that they are accredited and affordable. They should also offer you the ability to grow as a stylist as they help you perfect your craft.

Should you choose to attend one of the several cosmetology schools in Denton, Texas from the ones lister here on The young student population of Denton will give you a great social life when you are not at the salon. If you like to play as hard as you work, then Denton, Texas should be one of the top contenders in the list of your beauty school locations. It does not hurt that it is near Dallas, one of biggest and most cosmopolitan cities in the south. If you ever get bored living in a small town, then you can just head to the big city for a larger selection of restaurants and bars.

I.T.S. Academy of Beauty - Denton, TX

Ogle School of Hair, Skin, and Nails - Denton, TX

Regency Beauty Institute - Lewisville, TX

Salon Boutique Academy - Addison, TX

Duvalls School of Cosmetology - Bedford, TX