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Popular Beauty Schools in the Bronx, New York

The Bronx of New York is a diverse location filled with great opportunities to fulfill your dreams of working in the beauty and cosmetology industry. You should peruse the different beauty schools in Bronx, NY to find the one that will work best for you! There are many things you will need to consider when choocsing a cosmetology school in the Bronx. The most important factors should include tuition price, financial aid and overall training.

Once you find a selection of beauty schools in Bronx, New York, then you can start to finalize your decision. You should base your selection on the education that they will offer you and the price of tuition. You should also ask the schools about their work placement programs and how their students have excelled after graduation. Fortunately, you will have a wide variety of programs, salons and clientele to choose from thanks to the proximity to New York City. The location of the Bronx offers stylists a chance to pursue a career in one of the biggest cities in America. The Bronx also offers people of the beauty industry the ability to stay in one place and focus on one genre of clientele if they wish.

New York is home to some of the biggest beauty industries from fashion to media. People say that "if you can make it in New York, then you can make it anywhere." If you want a hair styling career that is fast paced, then the Bronx is a great stepping stone to the world of New York. You should take advantage of every event, function, internship or training period that you can find in the area. Opportunities such as these will hopefully give you access to incredible contacts in the city thanks to finding the right choice at and going to school in the Bronx!

American Beauty School, Inc. - Bronx, NY

Westchester School of Beauty Culture - Mt. Vernon, NY

Empire Beauty Schools - Queens, NY

Lia Schorr Institute of Cosmetic Skin Care Training - New York, NY

The Hair Design Institute (Long Island Beauty Schools) - Manhattan , NY