State Cosmetology License Exams

state-cosmetology-license-examsOnce you’ve completed your beauty school training, your next step is getting your state cosmetology license, which will probably be a topic of discussion with your instructors well before you graduate. After all, this is a Big Deal – with capital letters. Passing this exam gets you 100% licensed and okayed to take all of your fantastic skills and make them an official career, so it’s important to be prepared.

Cosmetology licensing exams are administered by each state’s board of cosmetology, and it will vary from state to state. Generally, though, you can expect that the exam will have a written portion and a practical portion so you can demonstrate both what you know and what you can do. Most exams do charge a fee that will need to be paid, oftentimes when you first apply for licensing.

The easiest way to start preparing for your licensing exam is to talk to the instructors at your cosmetology school. They should be aware of the information that is included on the state cosmetology license test to make sure they are teaching and training you on everything you need to know. Studying on your own can be useful as well – either because you just want to be thorough or because a situation crops up where you aren’t able to take the state cosmetology licensing exam immediately after finishing cosmetology school.

Make sure to look up the website for your state board of cosmetology. Several of them provide test questions or study guides that could help you get ready.

Once you’ve passed the exam and received your license, there are a couple of things to keep in mind. First of all, take that fantastic piece of paper that you worked so hard for and put it on display. You’re usually required by state law to have it up where you are practicing or to have it on your person, but why hide it away in your wallet? You earned it, so why not show it off to the world? (And, more importantly, your clients.)

Also, remember that your cosmetology license will need to be renewed periodically through the state board. When and how you renew your state cosmetology license varies by state, but it is very important to keep up with your state’s requirements on this. An exam to retest your cosmetology knowledge or some hours of continuing cosmetology education might be required. Make sure you stay on top of these cosmetology licensing requirements – you definitely don’t want to end up unlicensed! offers you the ability to search for a beauty school in your area to find a quality cosmetology institution that fits your needs. Upon completing your program, you can obtain your state cosmetology license and begin a rewarding beauty career.

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